February 2024 Chapter Meeting

Wed, Feb 7, 2024,
6:00 to 7:30 PM CT
Robert Snyder, President, Innovation Elegance, LLC.
"What If I Feel Setup To Fail?"
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Despite decades of books, certifications, and methodologies for project management and leadership,
failure happens. Failures at the team and individual levels are common. Until project success is
systematic, what can individual employees systematize to fail fast, fail small, and reduce failure—for us
as Business Analysts and for our teams?

This session proposes a half-dozen tools that, when in place, are instrumental for success, then a half-
dozen tools to use to minimize the magnitude of failure. Weaved among the tools are the concepts of
Aikido—a martial art that aims to minimize damage to all stakeholders.

•            Validate what you think and feel
•            Anticipate the next occasion
•            Apply Aikido to blend, throw, etc.
•            Wield primary and backup tools
•            Stay sane, keep self-respect, and survive

Speaker Bio

Robert Snyder is the founder and president of Innovation Elegance, LLC. Robert’s thirty-year career
spans roles such as developer, project management, change management, sales enablement, and the
performing arts. His career path includes corporate roles, consulting roles, startups, PMP, and Agile
certifications. He’s performed in numerous performances in vocal, dance, and theater
ensembles. Robert earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois and his MBA in
Strategy from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Within the next few months, Robert expects to publish two books: “Innovation Elegance: Transcending
Agile with Ruthlessness and Grace” and “Innovation Portfolio: Five Verbs Shape Your Team’s Legacy.”